10 Must-Have Truck Driver Accessories

When you’re out on the open road the time you spend behind the wheel can impact your well-being. Having the right accessories can make all the difference in your comfort, safety, and overall experience as a truck driver. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, these ten essential trucker accessories can help make your time on the road more enjoyable and efficient. 

1. Reflective Vest and Safety Equipment

Be prepared for roadside emergencies and stay compliant with safety regulations by having a reflective vest and other required safety equipment on hand. Your safety should always be a top priority.

2. Inverter/Power Converter

Keep your devices charged and powered up on the go with a reliable inverter. This accessory allows you to plug in and charge essential electronics like laptops, phones, or other devices while on the road. 

3. LED Flashlight 

A durable and bright LED flashlight is an essential tool for any truck driver. Whether you need to inspect your vehicle, check a trailer, or navigate in low-light conditions, a reliable flashlight is a must-have accessory for life on the road. 

4. Portable Jump Starter 

Don’t let a dead battery leave you stranded. A portable jump starter can provide peace of mind and save you time and hassle when facing battery-related issues.

5. Truck GPS or Navigation System 

Invest in a reliable GPS or navigation system designed specifically for commercial vehicles. This can help you find the best routes, avoid low bridges or narrow roads, and navigate unfamiliar areas with confidence. 

6. Organization and Storage Solutions 

Keep your cab tidy and organized with storage solutions like cargo nets, under-seat organizers, or over-the-door storage pockets. A well-organized space can improve efficiency and make your time on the road more enjoyable, 

7. Comfortable Seat Cushion 

Spending long hours behind the wheel can affect your back and posture. A comfortable seat cushion is essential especially for long haul truck drivers. It can provide much-needed support and reduce fatigue during those extended drives.

8. Bluetooth Hands-Free Device

Stay safe and compliant with hands-free laws by using a reliable Bluetooth device for making and receiving calls while on the road. A bluetooth headset allows you to stay connected without compromising your attention when driving. 

9. Portable Mini Fridge/Cooler 

Access to fresh food and beverages can be a game-changer during long hauls. A portable fridge or cooler can help you store healthy snacks and drinks, saving money and energizing you. 

10. Noise-Canceling Headphones 

Block out the noise from the road and enjoy some peace during rest stops or downtime. Noise-canceling headphones can also help you focus while making essential calls or getting much needed rest in noisy environments such as busy truck stops. 

Learn valuable tips like having the right accessories, from our experienced instructors at Phoenix Truck Driving School. 

Investing in the right tools and gadgets can make a significant difference in your daily routine and help you stay prepared for whatever the road throws your way. Our instructors are professional truck drivers with hands-on knowledge and experience. They are there to guide you throughout the entire learning process and will get you on the road with knowledge and confidence.

Contact Phoenix Truck Driving school and ask us about our accelerated program. Get driving in as little as four weeks. 

Mastering the 18-Speed Transmission— A Truck Drivers Guide

For truck drivers, mastering the 18-speed transmission can be a challenging yet essential skill. With careful practice and attention to detail, drivers can become proficient in handling these complex transmissions, leading to improved efficiency and performance on the road. Here are some tips to help you master the 18-speed transmission.

Understand the Gear Pattern 

One of the first steps to mastering the 18-speed transmission is understanding the gear pattern. The 18-speed transmission is essentially two 9-speed transmissions combined, with each half having its own shift pattern. Familiarize yourself with the gear pattern to know when to shift up or down, ensuring a smooth transition between gears.

Practice Shifting Techniques 

Shifting an 18-speed transmission requires precision and coordination. Practice shifting techniques in a safe and empty space before hitting the road. Take the time to understand the clutch engagement point and the rpm range for each gear. Smooth and controlled shifts can help prolong the life of the transmission and driveline components.

Use the Splitter Switch Wisely 

The splitter switch on an 18-speed transmission allows the driver to split each gear into two, effectively doubling the number of available gears. Knowing when to use the splitter switch is crucial for maintaining the right balance of power and fuel efficiency. Learn the best practices for utilizing the splitter switch to optimize your shifting strategy.

Double-Clutching Technique 

Double clutching is a technique that can be beneficial when shifting an 18-speed transmission, especially when downshifting. This technique involves pressing the clutch to take the transmission out of gear, matching the engine speed to the transmission speed, and then shifting into the next gear. Mastering the double-clutching technique can contribute to smoother gear changes and reduced wear on manual transmission components.

Pay Attention to Engine RPM 

Monitoring the engine rpm is critical when driving with an 18-speed transmission. Each gear has its own optimal rpm range for shifting, and paying attention to these ranges can help prevent unnecessary strain on the engine and transmission. Being mindful of engine rpm can also contribute to better fuel economy and reduced wear on the drivetrain. 

Uphill and Downhill Driving

Driving in hilly terrain presents unique challenges when using an 18-speed transmission. When going uphill, downshift to a lower gear to maintain proper engine power and prevent lugging. Conversely, when descending a hill, use lower gears and engine braking to control speed and reduce wear on the service brakes. Understanding the appropriate gear selection for varying terrain is essential for safe and efficient driving. 

Get to Know Your Truck 

Every truck equipped with an 18-speed transmission may have its own unique characteristics. Take the time to get to know your specific truck, including its engine power band, optimal shifting points, gear shift, clutch pedal, and any quirks related to the transmission. Understanding the nuances of your truck can contribute to a smoother driving experience and improved performance. 

At Phoenix Truck Driving School in Albuquerque, our accelerated classes that can get you on the road in as little as four weeks. 

Mastering the 18-speed transmission requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn. By understanding the gear pattern, practicing shifting techniques, and employing efficient driving strategies, truck drivers can become adept at handling these complex transmissions. Developing proficiency in operating an 18-speed transmission can lead to enhanced driving skills, improved fuel economy, and reduced wear on the vehicle. With time and effort, drivers can conquer the challenges of the 18-speed transmission and elevate their performance on the road. Our training programs will give you the experience and confidence you will need to succeed as a truck driver.

Contact Phoenix Truck Driving School and unlock your potential. 

Drive Smarter, Not Harder: How to Cut Fuel Costs on the Road

Every mile counts when you’re behind the wheel of a big rig. Fuel costs can eat into your profits, but you can drive smarter and reduce expenses with the right strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned trucker or just starting your journey in the world of truck driving, these tips will help you optimize your fuel efficiency and save money on the road.

Maintain Your Truck Regularly

Regular maintenance is vital to keeping your truck running efficiently. Schedule regular check-ups for your engine, tires, and brakes. A well-maintained truck not only performs better but also uses fuel more efficiently. Regularly check and replace air filters to ensure clean airflow and optimal engine performance.

Drive Smoothly

Smooth driving habits can significantly impact your fuel economy. Avoid sudden accelerations and harsh braking, as they can waste fuel. Instead, accelerate gradually and maintain a steady speed whenever possible. Use cruise control on highways to keep a consistent pace, reducing fuel consumption.

Reduce Idle Time

Idling burns fuel without moving your truck an inch. Minimize idle time by turning off the engine during breaks or waiting for extended periods. Modern trucks have auxiliary power units (APUs) that can provide heating, cooling, and power without idling the main engine, saving fuel and reducing emissions.

Plan Efficient Routes

Planning your routes carefully can help you avoid traffic congestion, road construction, and other delays that increase fuel consumption. GPS navigation systems that consider real-time traffic data can be used to find the most efficient routes. Avoid unnecessary detours and plan rest stops strategically to optimize your driving schedule.

Manage Your Speed

Speeding not only poses safety risks but also increases fuel consumption. Maintain a moderate speed within the legal limits to improve fuel efficiency. The faster you drive, the more wind resistance your truck faces, requiring more fuel to maintain speed. Use fuel-efficient driving techniques, such as coasting downhill and avoiding unnecessary acceleration.

Optimize Your Cargo

Efficiently loading and securing your cargo can reduce fuel costs. Distribute weight evenly to avoid excessive strain on your truck’s engine and tires. Remove unnecessary items from your truck to lighten the load and improve fuel efficiency. Consider aerodynamic enhancements like side skirts and trailer tails to reduce drag and save fuel.

Use Fuel-Saving Technologies

Take advantage of fuel-saving technologies like fuel-efficient tires and engine management systems. These technologies can improve your truck’s fuel efficiency and reduce overall operating costs. Stay informed about the latest advancements in fuel-saving technology to make informed decisions for your fleet.

Drive Toward a More Fuel-Efficient Future with Phoenix Truck Driving School

By implementing these strategies and adopting a mindset of driving smarter, not harder, you can cut fuel costs and increase your bottom line. Remember, every gallon saved is money earned on the road. Drive safely, efficiently, and economically to maximize your success as a professional truck driver.

Drive toward a more fuel-efficient future at Phoenix Truck Driving School in Albuquerque. We offer comprehensive training programs to equip drivers with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career. 

Enroll today and start driving smarter for a brighter future.

Level Up Your Driving Skills: Conquering Challenging Trucking Maneuvers

Driving a truck isn’t just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about mastering the art of maneuvering through challenging situations safely and efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced driver, honing your skills in handling tricky maneuvers can make you a more confident and capable trucker. In this blog, we’ll explore critical tips and techniques to level up your driving skills and conquer those challenging trucking maneuvers.

Mastering Tight Turns

One of the most common challenges for truck drivers is navigating tight turns, especially in urban areas or confined spaces. 

To ace tight turns:

  • Use Your Mirrors: Utilize your mirrors to gauge the space around you and adjust your positioning accordingly.
  • Practice in an Empty Lot: Find an empty parking lot to practice making sharp turns without traffic pressure.
  • Take it Slow: Approach tight turns at a slow, steady pace to maintain control and avoid oversteering.

Backing Up with Precision

Backing a truck requires finesse and precision to avoid accidents and damage. 

Here’s how to improve your backup skills:

  • Use a Spotter: If possible, have someone guide you while backing to provide additional visibility.
  • Use Your Mirrors: Rely on your mirrors to monitor your surroundings and adjust as needed.
  • Practice Angled Parking: To refine your maneuvering abilities, practice backing into angled parking spaces.

Handling Uphill & Downhill Driving

Driving on steep inclines or declines can be intimidating. 

With the proper techniques, however, you can navigate them safely by:

  • Downshift Before Descents: Downshift to a lower gear before descending steep hills to maintain control and reduce brake wear.
  • Use Engine Braking: Utilize engine braking to slow down on descents without relying solely on your brakes.
  • Maintain Safe Speeds: Keep a safe speed on uphill climbs to prevent strain on your engine and maintain traction.

Negotiating Tight Spaces

Knowing how to maneuver in tight spaces is crucial, whether on a narrow street or a crowded loading dock.

You can do this by:

  • Plan Your Route: Before entering tight spaces, assess the route and plan your approach to minimize surprises.
  • Use Spotters: If available, have spotters guide you through tight spots to ensure clearance.
  • Practice Depth Perception: Practice judging distances and clearance to navigate tight spaces confidently.

Dealing with Adverse Weather

Driving in adverse weather conditions requires heightened awareness and adaptation.

Some tips for driving in these conditions are:

  • Reduce Speed: Slow down in rain, snow, or icy conditions to maintain traction and control.
  • Increase Following Distance: Leave extra space between your truck and other vehicles to account for longer stopping distances.
  • Stay Alert: Monitor weather forecasts and road conditions to anticipate challenges.

Attend Phoenix Truck Driving School

By mastering these essential techniques and practicing regularly, you can level up your driving skills and confidently conquer challenging trucking maneuvers. Safety always comes first, so never hesitate to slow down or ask for assistance when needed. 

Ready to take your trucking skills to the next level? Enroll in our comprehensive training programs at Phoenix Truck Driving School and master challenging maneuvers like a pro!

Contact one of our advisors today to learn more.